
About Vitiligo

Vitiligo is the most common of the depigmentation disorders. It is an acquired pigmentary disorder of the skin and mucous membranes, in which there is a loss of melanocytes or pigmentation, resulting in irregular white spots and/or white patches. Initially, the white spots or white patches are small but enlarge over time. In some people, the white spots or white patches spread slowly while in others the spread is rapid. Approximately 1 to 2 % of the world’s population is affected by vitiligo, equating to 40 – 50 million people. Some reports suggest that the incidence of vitiligo in India, Egypt, and Japan is higher.

The condition occurs independently of age and race, with both sexes affected equally. In approximately half of all cases, vitiligo appears before the age of 20 years, and 70-80% of patients will develop the condition prior to the age of 30.

Vitiligo Causes

Both genetic and non-genetic factors are believed to be involved in the onset of Vitiligo and although several theories have been proposed as to the cause of vitiligo, the exact mechanism causing the destruction of the melanocytes remains unknown.

The hypotheses discussed in various studies include genetic, immunological, neuro-hormonal, cytotoxic, biochemical and oxidative stress. According to researchers the exact triggers of the condition vary widely patient by patient, thus making it difficult to conclusively define the primary cause. However, given that autoimmune diseases typically involve interactions between genetic risk factors and environmental triggering factors, the autoimmune theory seems to be the most plausible.

Some potential triggering factors for vitiligo include poor nutrition, emotional stress, trauma (Koebner Phenomenon), drugs, infections, exposure to the sun and chemicals, toxins and sepsis.

Vitiligo Treatments

Conventional treatments can include Ultra Violet B (UVB) phototherapy, topical steroids, calcineurin inhibitors, skin grafting or in severe cases depigmentation. At the Psoriasis Eczema Clinic, vitiligo treatments are customized according to the individual symptoms, presentation, location, and triggers. Our topical formulas are steroid free and based on over 30 years research into natural, plant-based vitiligo treatments. If you would like to book a consultation for your vitiligo.