About Psoriasis
Psoriasis is a chronic, non-contagious inflammatory skin disease which affects approximately 2-5% of the population worldwide. Psoriasis can affect people of all races and ages, however, most patients are first diagnosed in their early adult years. Guttate psoriasis, which flares up following a viral or bacterial infection, normally affects children and young adults.
In psoriasis, the keratinocytes of the skin multiply very rapidly and travel from the bottom layer of the epidermis to the surface in approximately 4 days as opposed to the usual 28 days. The skin cannot shed these cells quickly enough, so they build up, leading to thick, dry and flaky patches or plaques, commonly affecting the scalp, torso, elbows, and knees but can occur anywhere on the body.
Causes of Psoriasis
The cause of psoriasis is unknown, although it is well accepted that there is an underlying genetic component which, when triggered, causes the immune system to produce an excessive number of skin cells. For this reason, it has been termed an auto-immune disorder.
Psoriasis Eczema Clinic Treatments
Psoriasis Eczema Clinic, psoriasis treatments are customized according to the individual symptoms, presentation, location, and triggers. Our unique treatments are steroid free, and have consistently achieved an 82-90% success rate in independent testing and have been recommended by several highly regarded dermatologists from around the globe. If you would like to book a consultation for your psoriasis,

Triggers of Psoriasis
Professor Tirant’s research has confirmed two types of triggers.
Primary triggers that start or activate psoriasis and secondary triggers that continue to exacerbate the condition.
Trigger | Cause |
Koebner Phenomenon | Injury or trauma to the skin i.e. operations, bites, cuts, abrasions etc. |
Systemic Infections | Tonsillitis, shingles and some viral and bacterial infections. |
Drug Interaction | Taking or cessation of certain drugs such as steroids, lithium, antimalarials, anti-inflammatories, some blood pressure medications (Beta-Blockers) and antibiotics. |
Stress | Anxiety and worry |
Secondary triggers play a role in the continued exacerbation of the condition. In his research, Prof. Michael Tirant discovered that such factors were often related to lifestyle, dietary and chemical exposure.
Types of Psoriasis
There are several types of psoriasis.
Each type is unique in its appearance and symptoms and requires a different treatment approach.
Type | Description |
Plaque (chronic) | This is the most common type of psoriasis, affecting 90% of sufferers. It presents as dry, red, raised lesions, covered in silvery white scales. It usually appears on the elbows, knees, scalp, or lower back, although it can be found anywhere on the body, including the genitals. |
Pustular | This form of psoriasis develops quickly. It takes the form of little blisters filled with pus (pustules) and is normally found on the hands, feet, and fingertips. The blisters appear just hours after the skin becomes red and tender and can be very itchy and painful. |
Psoriatic nails | This type of psoriasis affects the nails in approximately 5% of psoriasis sufferers. It can start before any skin symptoms appear. The nail plate may be pitted with small surface depressions and discoloration (yellowish – white). Often there is a thick build-‐up of keratin under the nails. This causes the nails to lift and separate from the nail bed. Nails are often brittle and can easily break. |
Guttate | This type of psoriasis usually appears suddenly, often following a viral or bacterial infection such as streptococcal pharyngitis (strep throat). It appears as small, water/drop shaped red spots on the trunk, arms, legs, and scalp. The spots are not flaky and not as thick as typical plaques are. This type of psoriasis more commonly affects children and young adults. |
Palmo-Plantar | This type of psoriasis affects the palms of the hands and soles of the feet. It can appear as dry and thickened skin, silvery in appearance or in the pustular form. |
Flexural or Inverse | This type of psoriasis is only found in the folds and creases of the body. It tends to be smooth and moist in appearance. |
Erythrodermic | This is the least common but most severe form of psoriasis. It results in inflammation, itching and a painful red rash that may peel. It often covers the entire body and is sometimes accompanied by chills and fevers. Erythrodermic psoriasis can be triggered by severe sunburn, withdrawal from systemic treatment or any other form of psoriasis that is not well managed. People with this type of psoriasis should seek immediate medical attention because it can lead to dangerous protein and fluid loss, swelling, severe pain and itching. |