30 Years of Integrative Dermatology Excellence
As a research scientist, Prof. Michael Tirant (Full Professor of Clinical and Experimental Dermatology, University of Rome G. Marconi, Rome Italy) developed an interest in chronic skin conditions due to a close friend’s ongoing battle with psoriasis. Her struggle to find long-term relief highlighted how little was known about the condition at the time, especially in regards to its triggers.
This would mark the beginning of 30+ years of research into chronic skin conditions, with a focus on the initiating factors (primary triggers) as well as exacerbating factors (secondary triggers) that cause skin conditions to flare.
As a result of his research and further specialisation into clinical care, Prof. Michael Tirant opened the Psoriasis and Skin clinic in 1998. Expansion quickly followed, with a total of 20 associated clinics opening throughout Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam. All clinics dispense Dr. Michaels and Seloderma product ranges, which were developed in accordance with Prof. Michael Tirant’s research findings on effective nutritional and herbal bioactive treatments for various skin conditions. The efficacy of these products has been validated by multiple, independent, clinical trials run by eminent dermatologist worldwide.
Today, Prof. Michael Tirant runs Psoriasis Eczema Clinics in Frankston and continues to distribute his products to associated clinics throughout Australia, New Zealand and Vietnam, who between them have served more than 500,000 patients to date.
Prof. Michael Tirant’s Psoriasis Eczema Clinics proudly practise with a highly committed team of health professionals who have undertaken extensive training in the field of Integrative Dermatology.
We achieve up to 90% success in the treatment of psoriasis*
All our practitioners are qualified to follow Prof. Tirant’s protocols in the treatment of various skin conditions, which have been independently evaluated in several international studies. Studies have confirmed a success rate of up to 90% in psoriasis* Refer to Study link.
Psoriasis Eczema clinic can help you get excellent results by identifying the triggers and customizing a treatment plan for you.
Our personalized treatment approach is based on five steps:
- 1
ASSESS your skin condition
- 2
IDENTIFY and ADDRESS the primary and secondary triggers
- 3CUSTOMISE a treatment plan to meet your individual needs
- 4TREAT the symptoms
- 5SUPPORT you to achieve long term remission